The 2023-24 season is well underway and we are excited about the opportunities this year. Our sweet potato program has never looked better. We have expanded our facilities thru two mergers last season and we also added an exciting new variety to our growing program for this season. (Ben Yagi Purple Sweet Potatoes).
The new crop started shipping in September, and by the end of the October, we will have all 7 types of our sweet potatoes available. Some varieties (ie Okinawa) have limited production and will sell out quickly—so be sure to ask your sales representative about them as soon as possible.
Recent excitement following Netflix's 'Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones' tremendous attention has been drawn particularly to our Stokes Purple Sweets with their dark purple flesh, and to the rest of our purple sweet potatoes as well (Ben Yagi, Okinawa, and even Japanese).
If you are a retailer and you haven't tried introducing a purple sweet potato to your customers yet, NOW IS THE TIME!!!
Be sure to incorporate multiple varieties of sweet potatoes into your produce display and be open to creating a sweet potato category within the department. Entice your shoppers to buy more sweet potatoes by giving them an assortment of culinary gems to work with. Foodservice clients can also take advantage of the opportunity by utilizing specialty sweet potatoes into their menus.
Article by Jeremy Fookes ~ Director of Sales
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